Here are a few projects I've worked on.
Engineered a YouTube video download clone using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and FastAPI, resulting in a 25%increase in video download efficiency and 40% reduction in video processing time
• Leveraged Python and FastAPI for back-end development and video processing, ensuring seamless video downloads in the highest resolution.
• Crafted a responsive design with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure seamless usability across different devices and browsers.
• Streamlined video downloading to boost performance, achieving a 30% reduction in server load and a 20% enhancement in user experience.
Check it outArchitected a responsive to-do list application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, resulting in a 20%increase in user productivity and 15% reduction in task management time.
• Crafted and deployed a user-friendly interface using Markup, styling, and scripting languages, providing users with seamless access to real-time weather updates for cities worldwide
• Employed JavaScript for front-end development, enabling features such as adding, editing, and deleting tasks,with data persistence using local storage.
• Streamlined the application for peak performance, achieving a 25% improvement in page responsiveness and a 10% boost in user engagement.
Check it outBuilt a real-time weather application that provides current weather conditions for various cities, resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement and 18% reduction in weather-related decision-making time.
• Implemented and integrated an Interactive interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, empowering users to easily search for city weather updates in real time.
• integrated JavaScript for front-end development and a public weather API for fetching live weather data, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information
• Enhanced the application for efficient performance, yielding a 22%decrease in page load time and 12% improvement in user satisfaction
Check it outDo give a read to some of my blogs